Undercover Secretary (Supernatural Society Book 1) Read online

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  My lips curved into a smile as I fiddled with my cuffs, setting my plan in motion. “You know, I bet you couldn’t go an entire night without calling me sir.”

  She lifted a delicate brow, sniffing in response. “I’m sure I could.”

  I shrugged, murmuring, “I don’t think you have it in you.”

  “Mmm.” She crossed her arms, only serving to bring my attention to her full breasts.

  Licking my lips, I tore my eyes away from the appealing sight. I had to focus on the endgame. “We should make a bet of it.”


  I snickered, “Because I want to lord it over you, of course.”

  “Okay, you’re on. What do I get out of this, when I win?” She asked, confidence radiating through her.

  “I’ll approve your request to have your assistant position filled. And if I win, I want a kiss.”

  Her entire face flooded with color as she sputtered, “A kiss? Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  “You know, that could be construed as sexual harassment since you’re my boss.”

  Reaching my arm across the back of the seat, I tugged on a loose curl, “You’re not on the clock.” At my words, she flushed, brushing my hand away abruptly.

  Her eyes narrowed at me. "Fine. You're on."

  Hook, line and sinker.



  I was completely apprehensive at the sea of people mingling on the ground floor before me, eyes narrowing as I evaluated the risk of danger-

  "Are you okay, Penny?" At the deep voice of my boss, I was startled out of my thoughts.

  My assessments were second nature by now and could be a bit overwhelming when I found myself in a crowded area.

  I blinked, glancing at him. "Yes, Sir. I'm fine."

  "Ah, ah, ah. You promised, Penny."

  "Right. Sorry Si-Vincent," I hastily corrected.

  "I'll forgive the slip up this time, little lady, but next time you won't get off so easily." At the dip in his tenner, I felt my heart leap in my throat.

  My eyes flickered to his lips and I had to refrain from shuddering.

  I shouldn't have agreed to his little game. The thought of his mouth on mine awakened urges in me that I’d put on the backburner for such a long time that I was completely unsure of what to do with them.

  Ever since I’d been recruited by the Agency, I hadn’t had time to date or anything of the sort. I had been solely focused on progressing my career with the Agency and the health of my ailing mother that romance hadn’t been an option.

  It still wasn’t.

  Eight years later and I wasn’t really any better off than I had been when I’d started. Only now, I was deep undercover trying to make sure this spoiled—unfairly attractive—manchild didn’t pose a risk to our world. That, and investigate the money laundering that Johanna reported.

  This was wholly unfair.

  I swallowed and nodded. “Right.”

  His mouth quirked into a confident smile as he offered his arm, “Are you ready to mingle, Penny?”

  I glanced back down at the crowd of people at the bottom of the stairwell, forcing down my compulsion to analyze every trace of possible danger. With a brisk nod, I took the offered limb with much reluctance.

  “Whenever you are.”

  * * *


  A couple hours into the Gala, and after the extravagant eight course meal that lasted three-fourths of that time, Penny had skulked away for a breather. I could tell how tense the Gala was making her. So, when she made her excuse to escape, I didn’t stop her. I was actually tempted to join her, but knew that it was probably still a bit early to sneak away.

  The turnout had been as expected, so I had been able to prepare myself for the flood of smells by wiping some blocker at the base of my nose to keep from being overloaded. It had faded a little over the course of the meal, and I knew that if I was going to stay any later I would need to reapply the blocker.

  An arm slung around my shoulder as I was contemplating how much longer I would force myself to endure the Gala causing me to tense, and pulled me from my thoughts. “You’ve done an excellent job, Vince.”

  At the familiar masculine voice, I relaxed, shifting my head to look at the smiling face of my uncle.

  Just like most of the upper management of NATURALIST, Inc, Mason was also a member of the pack.

  I flashed him a small smile. “Thank you, Uncle Mason.”

  “Where’d that gorgeous date of yours wander off to?” He asked, glancing around the crowd.

  “She needed a little air.”

  “And you didn’t keep her company?” He tisked at me, shaking his head. “My boy, I surely taught you better than that? Someone else might snag her for themselves.”

  “I’ll do better next time, Uncle.”

  “I do hope so.” He patted me on the shoulder before taking a step back. “Now, shoo. Go find her.”

  I nodded, eager to join Penny in getting some fresh air and bring a smile back to her face.

  Before I could get more than a few feet away, I caught wind of a scent that shocked me. Being so familiar, it stood out amongst the crowd.

  Head swiveling in her direction, I could feel a scowl take up residence on my face.

  She wore a blood red gown that was teeming on the edge of indecency. Her blonde hair twisted into an elegant bun at the nape of her neck. Upon spotting me, Melanie started in my direction before I could make an escape.

  A mess of emotions rushed through me, too fast and complicated for me to process. We’d been together for a few months before I discovered her penchant of spreading her legs for others. So it was a mess, to say the least. Thankfully anger was the most predominant of them.

  It didn’t take her long to reach my side, eyes glancing over me with approval. I was grateful that Penny wasn’t here to witness what was sure to turn into a shit show.

  “What a pleasant surprise. I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  My eyes narrowed at her. “I’m hosting the Gala, Melanie. You knew that.” Taking a deep breath, I tried to be on my best behavior. Anything less would end with my head on a pike if my mother had anything to say about it. “Was there something I could help you with?”

  “I just wanted to apologize,” she replied, and I knew then that I wasn’t going to be able to rein in my temper any longer.

  “Apologize for what?” I asked, voice cold. It was an effort to keep my voice down, but I couldn’t afford to completely lose it on her. Not here.

  Her eyes narrowed, “Don’t act stupid, Vincent. It’s not a good look on you.”

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Stiffly, I added, “If that’s all, I have other guests I need to see.”

  She grasped at my arm as I started to walk away. “Vincent, please. I miss you—”

  Thunderous didn’t begin to cover it. Pulling my arm out of her grasp, I gritted out, “I’m sure you do, or rather my money.”

  She gasped, “Excuse me!”

  “I didn’t know you had become hard of hearing, so let me spell it out for you. You’re a gold-digging whore and you’re not getting your claws back into me,” I informed her, briskly walking away without another word.

  * * *


  I had witnessed the confrontation between Vincent and his ex, but didn’t deem it necessary to interfere. He didn’t seem on the verge of shifting in the midst of all these humans, so I let it be. Instead, I watched as he made haste to exit the room and followed after him.

  It wouldn’t do for him to become overwrought with emotion and shift in front of all of the humans in the room. I needed to get him calm, and fast.

  It took me a moment to catch up since I had to skirt around the fringes of the sea of people.

  I caught up to him in an empty hall, though it was more he’d stopped walking than me actually catching up to him with those long strides of his.

  He was leaning aga
inst the wall, breathing heavily, a low growl reverberating from him. From my position behind him, I could see his shoulders shaking. I didn’t have to look into his eyes to see that he was on the verge of shifting.

  Thankfully there wasn’t a soul in sight.

  After weighing the pros and cons of letting him go through his emotions in the hall I tugged on his arm, and pulled him into the nearest room with me. He followed without issue, collapsing heavily on the sofa while I locked the door behind us.

  From what I gathered, this was a seldom used office since I didn’t notice any personal effects decorating the room. Thank God the Gala was being hosted at the office. It was familiar territory for me.

  I allowed him some time to collect himself, reflecting upon everything that happened.

  To be entirely honest, I felt kind of shitty. Had I known that the reason why he’d broken up with the woman was because of her promiscuity, I wouldn’t have judged him as harshly as I had.

  I thought he liked toying around. After all, even before he stepped foot in the office, he had a bit of a reputation. But maybe, just maybe he wasn’t just a shitty playboy. Maybe there was more to him than meets the eye.

  After what felt to be an eternity, I murmured, “Are you going to be okay?”

  We’d been isolated in the room for a good ten minutes and I could tell that he was no longer on the verge of shifting. He was also back to breathing normally, thankfully. The idea of being trapped in this small office with an oversized wolf didn’t quite appeal to me, regardless of if he kept his consciousness or not.

  He broke his glare from the art decorating the wall, and glanced at me as if surprised that I was still here. “What?”

  I cleared my throat. “I asked if you’re going to be okay, Sir.”

  He blinked, and then started eyeing me before chuckling and rising to his feet. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you owe me a kiss, Miss Huges,” he murmured, tugging on his cuffs.

  I frowned.

  What the hell is he going on about?

  And then it hit me. The bet in the limo.

  “I….” I broke eye contact, feeling a flush rise unbidden to my cheeks. “It was a mistake.”

  “Ah, ah, ah. No taking it back now.”

  He stepped in my direction and around the sofa. I took an instinctual step back feeling my breath catch in my throat.

  He took another step, his lengthy stride closing the distance between us easily, looming over me. He was so close that I could see his eyes darkening with something other than the previous anger that had filled them. I found myself swallowing hard, taking another step back to place some distance between us.

  Who was this girl I was turning into? Backing down from a fight, becoming submissive? But his eyes had a wild look to them, one that sent shivers down my spine in a delicious way.

  And it terrified me.

  “Look, why don’t we calm down for a minute,” I started, holding my hands up.

  “I am calm,” he replied.

  The stormy look on his face said otherwise, but I kept my mouth shut in that regard.

  “Well, I think it’s a bit stuffy in here, don’t you?” I murmured, fanning my hand to cool down. “Maybe you should go for some air.”

  He shook his head, licking his lips as he eyed me. I had to fight every instinct to keep from bolting, knowing it would only appeal to his wolf and give chase. Flicking my tongue out to wet my suddenly dry lips, I took another step back, feeling my breath catch at the unyielding wall behind me. When had I gotten so close to the wall without realizing?

  I was trapped.

  And it was all he needed before he closed the distance, blocking me from escape.


  Vincent seemed to tower over me, his eyes were dark with an insatiable lust, leaving me unable to look away.

  He silenced any form of protest from me as he crushed his lips to mine.

  With a sigh, my eyes fluttered shut as I leaned into him, my palm flattening against his chest.

  This is wrong. This man is my boss.

  But man was my heart in my throat right now—the fuel to the fire—urging me to keep me going, urging me to deepen the kiss with the slightest swipe of my tongue against his bottom lip.

  I let out a small squeak at the feel of his tongue invading my mouth.

  Part of me wanted to blame this on the freely flowing alcohol at the Gala but I hadn’t had any. So there was no excuse. Nothing I could blame this… this lapse of judgement on.

  All I knew was that I wanted more.

  A low growl reverberated through his frame as he complied and his hand—previously resting in his pants pockets—pulled me closer to him, pressing my body flush against his.

  His hands encircled my breasts, teasing them through the fabric of my dress. Vincent’s quiet rumbles echoed against my lips as he further deepened our kiss.

  I subconsciously clung to him.

  “That’s my girl,” he growled, tugging down the fabric that clothed my breasts. I was exposed to his greedy eyes that seemed to be drinking the sight of my rosy nipples in. He rolled his finger around a beaded peak, wrenching a gasp out of me at the sudden pinch and I arched into his touch.

  Still, a part of me clung to sensibility.

  This was getting out of hand, and rather fast at that.

  “V-Vincent, we can’t…”

  Rather than respond, he pulled me flush against him, rolling his hips against mine so I could feel just how aroused he was.

  I shuddered, “We shouldn’t.”

  “We can.” Deliberately, Vincent sniffed at the hollow of my throat, licking his lips. “You want this, I can smell it.”

  Biting my lip, I glanced away. “I…”

  “Tell me you want this,” he instructed, his whole body stilling in its movements.

  He was giving me the choice to walk away. Anything more and it would be past the point of no return.There was still the chance to prevent this from going any further. All I needed was a little bit of self control… but the moment our eyes met, and I could see that his pupils were blown with desire, I lost the internal struggle I’d been waging with myself.

  My reservations were completely gone—my body high with adrenaline and carnal lust.

  Shivering, I murmured, “Yes.”

  “Yes what?”

  “I want this, please,” I pleaded, tears springing in my eyes.

  Eyes alight with approval, he snaked his hand through the slit of my dress, seeking out the panties covering my moist entrance.

  His hand shifted aside the fabric of my panties and he pushed two fingers inside of me, tearing a breathy moan from my throat at the sudden intrusion. He groaned, “Fuck, you’re soaked for me already.”

  I clung to his back as he thrust his fingers slowly in and out of me, breathing heavily as I moved my hips in rhythm with his hand. He set his other hand on my hip, holding me in place as he reached deeper, his rough pace unwavering and steady, occasionally his thumb flicked my taut clit. Any reservations that I might have had were long forgotten—for now anyway—all I could focus on were his movements of his thick fingers.

  He suddenly picked up the pace, stealing the breath out of my lungs.

  “Vincent, please,” I whimpered.

  “Please what?” He demanded, breath harsh as he panted over me.


  “More what?”

  Of course he wasn’t going to let me off that easily.

  The bastard.

  Shoving away what little dignity remained, I bit out, “I want it. I want this, please.”

  With a cocky smirk, he knelt and pressed his mouth against my panties with no hesitation. I shuddered almost violently at the feel of his tongue running along the center of my core, hot and slick as he traced over my outer labia and inner labia. Grasping at my thighs, he flicks at my clit with the tip of his tongue before lightly sucking onto it. My eyes fluttered shut as I cry out with a breathless moan, cresting with a wave of inten
se pleasure.

  I barely feel him pulling away to stand as I try to remember to breathe.

  The soft chink of his belt buckle being undone reached my ears and I couldn’t help but shiver with anticipation and want as I recovered from the spasms of my orgasm.

  He unbuckled his trousers, pulling them down enough to free himself before swiftly tearing my panties into ribbons without effort.

  “Such a pretty little pussy,” he praised.

  Bunching my skirt up, he grabbed my rear into his hands and hoisted me up against the wall before slinging my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders.

  “Stop teasing me,” I pouted, wiggling against him, seeking some sort of friction.

  Pulling back, Vincent gazed thoughtfully down at me, his tongue slipping out of his mouth to lick across his lips. The cocky half smirk on his lips told me that he was attempting to look like he wasn’t completely going out of his mind from the scent of my arousal but the sudden flare of his nostrils told me otherwise.

  A strangled noise escaped my throat as he eased himself into me, his hard member sliding into my drenched and inviting folds. When he was fully sheathed, I couldn’t help but sigh in relief.

  “That’s it, fuck you’re tight,” he groaned, pulling back until he almost slipped out before thrusting in again. Almost choking on my spittle, I leaned my head against his thick, muscular shoulder, forcing myself to breath. Fuck was he larger than I’d expected.

  It had been so long since I’d been intimate with anyone, I’d almost forgotten what it felt like.

  “I… so full,” I whimpered, barely able to find my words, my hands clinging to his back.

  It was a battle to try and keep my thighs tight around him. As if sensing my struggle, he changed his grip and slung my legs over his thick forearms all the while he continued to fuck up into me without a break in pace.

  I had to bite my lip to keep my screams in check, but found that I was unable to completely muffle the sounds of my pleasure.